The Ruins Of Rosewell

Rosewell was built by Mann Page, who commenced it about 1725 and completed it in 1730, when he died. It was said to be the largest house in Virginia at the time it was built, and for many years afterwards.

It was built of brick, with imported marble lintels and window sills, and was three stories high, exclusive of the basement. The rooms were cubes in their proportions. The hall was wainscoted with polished mahogany and the balustrade of the grand stairway was made of the same wood. The latter was carved by hand to represent baskets, flowers and fruits. Tradition says that it was at Rosewell that Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, before going to Philadelphia. He and Governor Page were intimate friends.

The original grant for the land was found not long ago in an old shop in London. Rosewell passed out of the hands of the Page family about 1830, but their name is still found on some very handsome tombs on the lawn. The house was destroyed by fire, March 24, 1916.



