Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Should Husbands Be Present At Childbirth?

    WHEN a wife is struggling in the throes of childbirth, when the excruciating pangs of the crisis of motherhood are scourging her very soul, it seems to me that she would be strengthened, buoyed up, made better able to bear the tortures of this trying ordeal, if she could clasp the hand of a loving […]

  • A Man’s Duty Toward A Pregnant Wife

    PREGNANCY is a phase of marital life that is much discussed by those who have studied sexual laws, and there are many diverging views as to the duties of a man toward his wife at this time. In facing this problem and endeavoring to find a satisfactory solution, we must first of all recognize that […]

  • Conserving Love – The Basis Of Marital Happiness

    LOVE is absolutely essential to the maintenance of marital happiness. There can be no real marriage without a strong, deep affection, and the intimate relations involved can-not be properly or satisfactorily continued with-out love. Love is a cementing force, a magnetic power that draws each sex toward the other. Therefore the first essential in perpetuating […]

  • Should Husband And Wife Occupy Separate Beds?

    IS it desirable for husband and wife to sleep together according to the old-fashioned custom, or should they occupy separate beds? The answer to this question will naturally vary in different cases. In many instances the bodily contact and close association involved in sleeping in the same bed arouses the passions unduly and naturally tends […]

  • The Importance Of Virility

    No one can estimate the value of strong manhood. It is a physical asset that is beyond valuation, and beyond price. Vigorous manhood may come to one naturally through inheritance, and in the first flush of youth one may enjoy the turbulent exaltation that comes with the supreme force of superb virility without giving any […]

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