Registration, Money Orders And Foreign Postage

Registration.—All mail but parcel post may be registered at the rate of 15 cents for each package in addition to the regular rates of postage to be fully prepaid by stamps. Each package must bear the name and address of the sender, and a receipt will be returned from the person to whom addressed for 3 cents additional postage, provided requested in writing on parcel. Mail matter can be registered at all postoffices in the United States. Parcels post matter may be insured but not registered.

Indemnity not exceeding $ 50.00 $0.15
Indemnity not exceeding 100.00 .20
Indemnity not exceeding 200.00 .30
Indemnity not exceeding 300.00 .40
Indemnity not exceeding 400.00 .50
Indemnity not exceeding 500.00 .60
Indemnity not exceeding 600.00 .70
Indemnity not exceeding 700.00 .80
Indemnity not exceeding 800.00 .90
Indemnity not exceeding 1000.00 1.00 Fee for return receipt—3 cents extra.

Domestic Money Orders.—Domestic money orders are issued by money-order postoffices for any amount up to $100, at the following rates:

For sums not exceeding $2.50, 5 cents; over $2.50 to $5.00, 7 cents; over $5 to $10, 10 cents; over $10 to $20, 12 cents; over $20 to $40, 15 cents; over $40 to $60, 18 cents; over $60 to $80, 20 cents; over $80 to $100, 22 cents.

Stamped Envelopes.—Embossed stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers of several denominations, sizes and colors are kept on sale at postoffices, singly or in quantities, at a small advance on the postage rate. Stamps cut from, stamped envelopes are valueless; but postmasters are authorized to give good stamps for stamped envelopes or newspaper wrappers that may be spoiled in directing, if presented in whole condition and with satisfactory evidence.

Postal Savings

An Act of Congress approved June 25, 1910, provided for the establishment of Postal Savings Depositories in all parts of the country, thus enabling all persons of the age of ten years or over to open an account by making an initial deposit of One Dollar or any multiple of it, such deposits being permitted to an aggregate of $2,500.00. Less amounts than one dollar may be accumulated for deposit by purchasing for ten cents from any depository a postal savings card to which may be attached adhesive stamps of the denomination of ten cents representing the small amounts saved. When these stamps, including the card, amount to one dollar, they may be de-posited and will draw interest at the rate of two per cent per annum. When these postal savings reach the sum of Twenty Dollars, they may be exchanged for a United States bond of the de-nomination of Twenty Dollars, bearing interest at the rate of 2% per cent, payable semi-annually. The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of these deposits and bonds with accrued interest as stated. Persons whose places of residence are remote from these depositories upon application to any postmaster can arrange to open such an account. Postal savings accounts may be transferred between offices without cost or loss of interest.

Misdirected Mail

The carelessness and oversight of a hurrying people is exemplified by the report from the Dead Letter office. In the fiscal year ended June 30, 1926, a total of 24,056,928 dead letters was received at the Division of Dead Letters in Washington and the Dead Letter branches in Chicago, San Francisco, New York, San Juan, P. R., and Honolulu, Hawaii. Of these 929,561 were returned to senders unopened and 23,127,367 were opened, delivered to senders, filed or destroyed. The total value of the inclosures found in the dead letters was $5,659,585.51.

There. were sold at auction 62,907 pieces of merchandise that came to the Dead Letter Office and could not be delivered; also 2,146 parcels without value which were destroyed.

Suggestions.—Always write “Transient,” or “General Delivery” on matter for persons not living where you send mail to them.

When directing to cities, always add the street and number, or postoffice box, of the person addressed, unless marked “Transient,” or “General Delivery.”

To insure certainty in dispatch of mail, give the county in which the postoffice is, and spell out the name of the state in full.

If you will write or print your name and address (and the contents, if a package) in the upper left hand corner of your mail matter, it will be returned to you for correction, if improperly addressed, or insufficiently paid, and if not called for at its destination, it can be returned to you without going to the dead letter office. If a letter, it will be returned free.

Register all valuable letters and packages.



